Magnifying Glass


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SKU: DE 34 Categories: ,

Did you know that magnifying glasses are used to start fires? The convex lens in the magnifying glass causes light rays to bend inward. If the Sun’s rays are refracted towards a single point, the area becomes very hot and may start to burn.

Magnifying Glass: For clear reading
Elections are time of sensitive information and mounting pressures. One mistake can lead to chaos and distrust. Hence, election officials have to be extra careful with everything they do. They may need to read some really fine print in documents or on boxes from time to time. Additionally, magnifying glasses play a crucial role in curbing counterfeiting. They make it simple for the officials to identify authentic ballot papers and hologram to ensure that only authentic ballot papers are used for voting. A. Daga Group provides clear glassed; precisely focused magnifying glasses that aid clarity in this dynamic environment of elections.

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